Find the support you need as part of your membership and in the community

Social connection & playgroups

There are two playgroups in Ottawa just for multiples. Click here for more information.

Mental health support

For mental health resources, click here.

Pregnancy & prenatal support

Find supports throughout your multiples pregnancy journey.

Breastfeeding support

For breastfeeding resources, click here.

Postpartum support

For postpartum support, click here.

Parenting support and courses

For parenting support and courses in your area, click here.

Bereavement support

For bereavement support and resources, click here.

Walk-in clinics

Find a Walk-In Clinic near you.

Relationship support

Under construction.

Financial support

Under construction.

Additional resources & support

For a list of additional resources and activities, click here.

Have a link that is useful for our members? Please email our Director of Community Resources at

Sponsors & Partners Section

    Danjo Creations        

MBFA, PO Box 5532 Station ‘F’, Ottawa ON K2C 3M1

"Multiple Birth Families Association" is a non-profit organization

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