Multiples 101 prenatal course

What to expect when you're bringing home multiples

Our prenatal course offers insights, guidance and suggestions in addition to true-life stories about coping with newborn multiples. It also gives expectant parents the opportunity to participate in a supportive network with others who are expecting twins or more.
This class is not designed to provide medical information and is not a replacement for hospital prenatal classes. It is taught by volunteers who are parents of multiples (not medical professionals). We share our own experience and ideas to help you manage life with twins, triplets or higher order multiples.

View the MBFA calendar for upcoming virtual course dates.

How to register

Click on the Register button on the event from the MBFA calendar


We cover these topics and others that are of interest to the class:

  • Introduction to the MBFA
  • Prenatal nutrition and activity
  • What to do if put on bed rest
  • Common worries, concerns and how to cope
  • What it means to be classified as a "high risk pregnancy"
  • Other complications of multiples pregnancies
  • Signs of pre-term labour and what to do
  • Labour and delivery of multiples
  • What to expect and how to cope if you have premature babies
  • Pregnancy, labour and delivery stories from parents of multiples and their tips for coping at home
  • Medical and non-medicated forms of pain control during labour and delivery
  • What to expect if a cesarean section is required
  • Post-partum recovery for mom and babies
  • Post-partum mood disorders
  • Caring for your babies
  • Feeding babies: schedule vs. on-demand, bottle, breast, pumping breast milk, etc.
  • Surviving at home with multiples, including what equipment, clothing, etc. that other parents of multiples have found useful
  • Guest speakers from our community


The following fees are per couple, not per person, and include all relevant materials for the course: 

  • $40 for members 
  • $60 for non-members


For more information, please contact

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    Danjo Creations        

MBFA, PO Box 5532 Station ‘F’, Ottawa ON K2C 3M1

"Multiple Birth Families Association" is a non-profit organization

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